Insights Centre

Find helpful and informative guides and blogs about employee car benefits and read case studies from our customers.

Vehicle Excise Duty Increase – What Does it Mean to Automotive Dealers?

With upcoming increases to road tax, find out what these changes means to your business and how you can take advantage of the existing rates if you act quickly.

Crafting a Sustainable Fleet Solution Strategy

Aiming to achieve a zero-emissions fleet? Craft the perfect sustainable fleet management strategy in order to reach your business' sustainability goals.

The Cost of Employee Turnover Vs a Car Benefit

Explore the return on investment of having a car benefit scheme as part of your employee retention strategy.
Our Latest Insights

What is a Salary Sacrifice Car Scheme?

Discover what a salary sacrifice car scheme is, as well as the benefits it could bring to your business and employees.
Eco car transportation energy charge no people

Understanding the Different Types of Electric Vehicles

Know what your options are for new cars in the future.

Attract and Retain Employees with Personalised Benefits

Being able to offer flexibility to all employees can enhance your benefits package.

Looking For Ways to Save Time on P11D Reporting?

Reduce admin burden and make business savings.
lady hand charge electric power ev car in hi technology transportation in future. Easy to use in technology concept.

A Sustainable Future – The Journey to Electric Vehicles

Take control of your employee car benefits and future-proof your business.

Support Offered All Day, Everyday with a CBS Employee Benefit

Case Study - Less Than 50 Vehicle Fleet

Employees Seeking More Support for Company Cars

With business miles on the increase, employers need to help facilitate company vehicles.

Be an Employer of Choice by Offering Car Benefits to All Employees

Case Study - Over 250 Vehicle Fleet

We’ve Been Accredited by Best Companies for the Fifth Year Running

And receives its highest rankings to date in two categories.

Are You Offering the Best Benefits to Support the Cost-of-Living Crisis?

Businesses need to be agile and adapt to key trends to shape a robust HR strategy.

A Stable but Slow Recovery for the Used Car Market

The biggest change to the used car market is the rise of Battery Electric Vehicles.

The Number of Electric Vehicles on the Road Tips One Million

This accounts for almost 6% of all cars on the UK roads.

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