
Find helpful and informative guides and blogs about employee car benefits and read case studies from our customers.

A Complete Guide to Benefit-in-Kind (BiK)

Read insights from Car Benefit Solutions on how Benefit-in-Kind tax works, how it is calculated, and how employees can contribute towards it.

Is Your Company Car Scheme in Line with Modern Day Living? 

Company cars aren’t new, but there are multiple ways to deliver a car benefit now.

What is an Employee Car Ownership Scheme?

Discover what an employee car ownership scheme is, as well as the benefits it could bring to your business and employees.

Business Car Lease Explained

Explore how leasing a car through your business can be beneficial for both your company and employees.

Recruit The Best Talent with the Help of an Attractive Car Benefit

As vacancies in the automotive sector reach a 21-year high, recruitment packages need to stand out from the crowd.
Woman charging electric car at home with cable.

The UK’s Journey to a Net Zero Future

Is our supply chain ready to make the switch to manufacturing Electric Vehicles only?

New Year, New Employee Bike Benefit

Case Study - Motorbike Fleet

What is a Salary Sacrifice Car Scheme?

Discover what a salary sacrifice car scheme is, as well as the benefits it could bring to your business and employees.
Eco car transportation energy charge no people

Understanding the Different Types of Electric Vehicles

Know what your options are for new cars in the future.